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Oh Doh! I’b SICK!

Hot Toddy

Everybody’s either got it or had it and now I’ve got it too. Coming in to the flu game somewhat late, I seem to have the fully mutated version, sore throat verging on laryngitis, fever, aches and pains, stuffy head and running nose. Rats*

Andalus Mittens

I’ve been knitting (and little else) for the past few days, even though I should be preparing to start the new TV series on Wednesday. The knitting news, as usual, is good and bad. Good news: I’ve finished the first Andalus Mitten and the cuff for the second. I cannot believe how much faster these knit when a girl uses both hands. This is clearly the purpose for which hands were intended by the Fair Isle Gods. Honestly, I LOVE stranded knitting. I could do this all day, everyday, and therefore, I’m not all that upset that the first Lotus Mitten will now need to be frogged and re-knit due to tension problems. Once I’ve finished with these, I’d like very much to work Mary Ann Stephens’ heavenly “Riverside Cowl”. Feeling as I do today, there simply cannot be enough warm stuff to tuck around an aching, scratchy throat.

Riverside Cowl by Mary Ann Stephens

And the bad news: Teddy’s Dog-Gone Sweater is taking much longer than I anticipated. I tried it on him several times during the process (as needles would allow) and at the three-quarters-done point, decided NO! This will not be comfy for my dog. So, swallowing hard with my very sore throat, I frogged it.

Teddy’s breed-that-shall-not-be-named makes for an extremely powerful and broad chest. I’d knitted a gusset in the front that needed to be wider and longer. The original pattern called for buttons up the side. Knowing Teddy as I do, I’m sure he’d never stand still, anticipating a walk, while I buttoned up the side of his sweater. (I’ve already bought the perfect buttons and may just add them as a little decor once the sweater is finished.) Instead, I decided to knit a ribbed belly band in the round. The pattern was simple enough to knit during Downton (how ’bout that surprise twist last night!?!) so I managed to get all but the rump portion done. If he ever gets out from under the covers, I’ll try to put it on him 🙂

Poor Hairless Pooch

January 23, 2013


  1. Reply


    January 29, 2013

    Everybody is getting the flu now, I’m glad I’ve gotten it over with. I swear I was the first person to get it this year. Like you told me, “Fruit and Sleep.” Get that while you can, and hopefully you’ll feel better by, well, tomorrow, good luck with the TV series. (It’s so cool knowing people who make TV shows.)

  2. Reply


    January 29, 2013

    Oh no. This year’s flu is killer. I really do hope you are getting better.
    And yes, I was completely shocked over Downton! And here I thought the scene with Ethel was sad… Geeze. They know how to stir things up!

    • Reply


      January 29, 2013

      Oh…the Ethel scene was heart-wrenching…I bet that was really poignant for you, having such a lovely little man of your own 🙂

  3. Reply


    January 28, 2013

    Aw, sorry you are sick. I discovered a magical thing while I was sick last week: slippery elm tea. It brought my voice back for a little while. Your fair isle looks beautiful. Feel better soon!

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Compulsive knitter, designer, dog-o-phile and re-placed New Orleanian; lover of succulent plants, wine and sand between my toes.

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