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It’s Been Six Months!

I cannot believe it. It has been six months. We’ve been to the beach, had a couple of hurricanes and raised up some mighty pretty flowers and succulents in that time!

In my own defense, I had a huge blog meltdown at the end of May that took out my entire site, reducing it to a glacially slow-loading list. I lost about 10 years worth of photos, almost all of the Free Pattern Friday patterns and most of my sanity. Thanks to Blue Host and several friends of LCK, I was able to recover all of the photos and many of the free patterns (though the patterns will need a bit of work before they’ll be available again.) What a nightmare!

Blogging has changed so much over the past few years with social media taking its place at the forefront of online communication. Like many craft bloggers, I was really conflicted about how to proceed. Should I bother to rebuild or just fall back on social media? I was so sad when the blog went down because I realized that my blog has really been a web diary. I’ve recorded the last 10 years of my life, for better or worse, right here. So, I decided to gather the ashes and use the down time provided by COVID to rebuilt the blog from the ground up. I’ve also done something I’ve wanted to do for years… I’ve added a shop! It’s been a steep curve, but I have a sparkly new theme for my blog and a bright, shiny new sales channel for my patterns. Way to make lemonade, Cheryl!

I know it’s not perfect and there’s still lots of work to do so I hope you’ll bear with me while I knock off some of the rough edges. Though the inventory is growing, not all of my patterns are available through the shop yet, but they will be! I’ve also renegotiated some of the agreements I’ve had in place with publishers, so I look forward to offering patterns for sale that were previously only available from magazines. Look for discounts and features that weren’t available before!

On top of all that nose-to-the-screen stuff, I’ve been swatching, submitting proposals and knitting samples. There are several things poised for release that I think you’ll like. I am SO excited about what’s to come.

Like most of us, I’ve had lots of personal knitting time. (That’s a nice way of saying that I’ve had cast-on-itis and now have, like, six pairs of socks on the needles along with works that have been in progress since lockdown.) I’m sure I am not alone in this. Though I don’t want to fall down the WIP rabbit hole today, I’m excited to share project photos on Wednesday’s WIP post.

So! Until then, I hope you’ll have happy knitting, an easy heart and a weekend full of joy! See you soon.

November 11, 2020

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Compulsive knitter, designer, dog-o-phile and re-placed New Orleanian; lover of succulent plants, wine and sand between my toes.

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