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It Never Rains…

Vintage Sweat Shop

It never rains, but it pours! Seems to be the story of my life right now. After commiserating with my friend over at The Modern Home Economist about the woes of job hunting, several things have just dropped into my lap leaving little time for knitting and even less time for blogging. (Take heart, Isabella!) My poor little neglected blog 🙁

After months of futile job hunting, I decided to take the bull by the horns. Back in New Orleans (where there is little work of any kind) I had a nice little set up. A little space, a couple sewing machines, a big Rowenta steamer and steam table, shelving and all the little bits and bobs you accumulate when you sew all the time. I kept thinking that if I had a set up like that here in Toronto (smack dab in the middle of the Garment District), I could do quite nicely even if I never got another movie. So, thinking I could pick up the equipment I needed as I went along, I answered some ads.

Holy smokes! I got some great projects! So I’m doing a small line for a plus size ladies wear shop, 3 French Renaissance period costumes for a photographer, a short run of throw pillows and a pair of grizzly bear arms! Then, of course, I got a movie.

I did get a little knitting in last night! My Bower Cardigan is coming right along. I’m just about to finish off the upper back. Tell you what, though. I’ll think long and hard before I knit lace with black again. It’s really hard to see what you’re doing and I think the lace motif would stand out much better in a lighter color. (Looks too funny to photograph now.)

Shells by Beehive

Sock Styles by BeehiveHow ’bout these! While yard-sale-ing in Prince Edward CountyIn the Beehive Tradition, I found these little gems. I’m sure my Mother owned all three of these at one time. Can’t wait to knit them all! I specifically recall her crocheting a shell from the later book in off-white. The American Needlework book is a real find! From the slip case slides a box filled with full-sized patterns for every conceivable kind of needlework from knitting to quilting to candlewicking. My Mother used those quilt patterns over and over.

American Needlework

December 8, 2012


  1. Reply


    August 23, 2012

    Sigh . . .

  2. Reply


    June 20, 2012

    I keep checking back here to see if my blog, email reminder thing forgot to fire me an email. It hasn’t failed yet.

  3. Reply


    May 29, 2012

    A movie too! Fantastic. 🙂
    Love your vintage knit book finds.
    Happy sewing too.

  4. Reply


    May 27, 2012

    So glad things are going well for you! I must admit, I was getting a little worried about your long silence, so I am happy to hear your news. Those pattern books look wonderful. I look forward to seeing what you make from them!

  5. Reply


    May 27, 2012

    I LOVE vintage patterns! I hope you do make them, and I’m glad it’s “raining” for you now. 🙂

  6. Reply


    May 26, 2012

    Ah, the thoes of unsteady employment . . . When it does rain it pours, but at least during the rain you can get a lot of work done.

  7. Reply

    Tabi Ferguson

    May 26, 2012

    Oh my goodness! My maternal grandmother had the Beehive Sock pamphlet and I’m giddy to say I have it now. It’s wonderful how simple socks can be so elegant.

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Compulsive knitter, designer, dog-o-phile and re-placed New Orleanian; lover of succulent plants, wine and sand between my toes.

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