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Rockin’ Socks

Sock Cartoon

If you know me, you’ve probably heard me say “Oh, socks! Yeah. I’ve always got a pair on the needles”. I wonder if there’s a limit to how many you can be knitting at a time? There are certain times of year when there just cannot be enough sock knitting and this is apparently one of them. 

Bay of Quinte Socks

  1. Bay of Quinte Socks: I’ve just started these for Carl as I mentioned in my last post. This yarn is crazy! It’s like Lopi sock yarn. I love this cable, though I can only work on these for short periods of time. They are very hard on my hands.
  2. Ultra Alpaca Fine in OrchidBay of Quinte Socks: Because I have an entire tote filled to the brim with sock yarn, I thought I’d better bring another skein home from the shop. (Wha?!?) Ultra Alpaca Fine. In my own defense, I’ve loved this color from afar for quite a long time and this is the last skein. Who knows when we’ll get more? It could have turned into an emergency, but not. Crisis averted. As I said, I love this cable and want a pair for myself in this bright, flat color.
  3. Advent SocksAdvent Socks: Was I thinking this Christmas or next Christmas? Your guess is as good as mine. It’ll come down to inspiration, but I see this as something that gets knitted furiously at the last minute.Kaleidoscope Socks
  4. Kaleidoscope Socks: I really thought these would be the answer to all the self-striping yarn I have laying around for which I’ve become un-fascinated. I really thought that! It could happen. (Sure…like 2 Irishmen walking OUT of a bar.)
  5. Darling Mumsie SocksDarling Mumsie: I started these in the spring using really nice Tilli Thomas merino sock yarn intending to give them to Mumsie for Mother’s Day. I’ve knit them three times. In fact, this design eventually morphed into the Barn Swallow Socks. They are very pretty and I do enjoy knitting them. Just try to act surprised, ‘k Mumsie?
  6. Urban Rustic Socks by Elizabeth McCartenUrban Rustic Socks: If I could have my way with Father Time, I would sit down this very minute, binge-watch episodes of “Foyle’s War” and knit these socks from start to finish! I’ve had them for 1 year, almost to the day and I’ve had a crack at them once before. I started them and then thought I’d like the larger size. I frogged them and haven’t gotten back to them again. I don’t get my way with him, though. Hardly ever.
Four at a Time
I wonder…can she knit 4 at a time??
October 28, 2015


  1. Reply

    Andrea @ This Knitted Life

    November 1, 2015

    That’s a lot of awesome socks you’ve got on your needles, my dear! I am partial to the pretty pink ones.

    • Reply

      Little Church Knits

      November 1, 2015

      Why thank you, ma’am! My only regret is that I only have two feet! 😉

  2. Reply


    November 1, 2015

    For the striping socks, maybe try Zigzagular? It’s mostly vanilla, with 2 lines of cables over some reverse stocking stitch. It might show up the pattern a bit better

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Compulsive knitter, designer, dog-o-phile and re-placed New Orleanian; lover of succulent plants, wine and sand between my toes.

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